press release
Opening reception: Friday, September 6, 7-9 P.M.
Discussion/Performance: Friday, Sept 27th, 8:00pm
Exhibition dates: September 6 – October 6, 2013
Tim Spelios: Do Not Blow Horn Use Bell
Do Not Blow Horn Use Bell is Tim Spelios' second solo show with Studio10. Spelios constructs intricate photo collages from books and found printed matter, creating irrational associations through juxtapositions of image fragments. Baroque exuberance and a quiet, lyrical reductivism coexist in a field of obliteration and transformation.
Spelios retrieves his materials from the streets, flea markets and finds books left in piles by anonymous Brooklynites. Obsolete manuals, out of date magazines with the pages torn or removed, or forgotten photographs are all favored. He chooses unconventional subject matter, and disassembles and obscures the content, resulting in irreverent dislocations of meaning between the disparate elements in the collage. Spelios leads the viewer to question if they perceive a real or crafted memory or perhaps a biographical reference in the work at hand. Do Not Blow Horn Use Bell will include three separate installations: 1) Under Glass, 2) Strips, 3) Collage At Large, 2013. The installation Under Glass is a micro exhibition on large worktables. Spelios will change the content weekly, mixing idiosyncratic collage experiments with the ephemera he has found tucked in the pages of books, such as an invoice for flowers long past due ($23.69).
Exhibition schedule for Under Glass, 2013:
Week 1) Causality For Individual Tornadic Forms: Curiosities and Diptychs
Week 2) Don't Crush That Book, Hand Me The Scissors: Furniture and Art History
Week 3) A Gallery of Masterpieces: Contrapuntal Exercises
Week 4) To Be Done In A Clean, Workmanlike Manner: Misfits of Anomaly
The installation Strips consists of hundreds of individual collage spliced together into six foot long filmic strips. A constantly shifting succession of disjoint and non-sequential images move from one frame to another.
Collage at Large, 2013 includes:
bouquets, wrestlers, prisoners in stripes, legs, shoes, hands, banisters, parachutes, threaded rod, lobster traps, gold leaf, rearview mirror, paparazzo, old hat, red shaft, gloves, windows, Louis Armstrong's handkerchief, plates, holes, workers on scaffolding, spiral stair, herringbone tweed, pearls, upholstery, two-tone shoes, ukulele, flowers, embroidery, electrical transformer, jars, dining table, wooden board, blurry cable, cigarette, polkadots, tripod, bare shoulder, flashes of light, dirt, wrinkly cloth, stacked wood, crenellation, store window, advertisements, vase, clouds, cows, assembly-line, handholding, tool, big lights, cords, ropes, fingers, screens, bottle of booze, black shoes, knees, head, skinny tie, portholes, buttons, glasses, chandeliers, blue sky, old paintings, rings, rivets, factories, assembly line, grass, cups, amoeba, milling machine, tractor driver, number, underwater, wheel, hands, elbow, venus flytrap, hockey puck, drink in hand, worktable, dancing feet, airplane wing, bullet hole, moray pattern, tree trunk, windshield, jewelry, buttons, sleeves, cyclone fence, arial photograph, park bench, castle, glass balls, flagstone, panel door, tiny bell, lightning bolt, gas mask, violin, ivy, bucket, skirt, guitar, boxes, chicken wire, veneered side table, string, forklift, hammer, farmer actor, newlyweds, white rose, backstop, string bass, book, lampshade, water, arch, purple flower, horse, spare tire, doorknob, angel wings, a loom.
Tim Spelios is based in Brooklyn. He has exhibited at Exit Art, The Drawing Center, Sculpture Center, Smack Mellon Studios, Long Island University, Pierogi Gallery, and Parkers Box among others. Spelios teaches at Pratt Institute, and taught at The University of Illinois at the Phillips Collection in D.C. Caroline Cox and Tim Spelios, co-founded and ran Flipside Gallery from 1996-2001
Performance: A Short Talk on a Long Easel from Tim and Matt.
The Gallery will be open from 1 - 8 pm after which the performances will begin.
Performance: A Short Talk on a Long Easel from Tim Spelios and Matt Freedman
8:45 pm
Music by Klopp Black Polka Dots Tim Spelios • Square Traps
Mark Deffenbaugh • Guitar, Pedal Steel John Sherman • Accordion
Klopp Black Polka Dots are a free form improvisational trio of instrumental music channeling delta blues, Cajun, and 60’s garage rock.
For more information and images, please contact Annelie McGavin at (718) 852-4396.
Gallery hours: Thursday through Sunday 1 - 6 pm or by appointment
Contact: (718) 852-4396
The gallery is across the street from the Bogart Street exit at the L Train Morgan stop.