press release
56 Bogart Street Brooklyn NY 11206
Special Event: Sunday, September 21, 4-6 PM
Comfort Zone Exhibition Dates: September 5 – October 5, 2014
Reading with Lisa Cohen, Robert Marshall, Eileen Myles and Matthew Sharpe in Association with Michele Araujo: Comfort Zone
Studio10 is pleased to announce a reading of recent works by Lisa Cohen, Robert Marshall, Eileen Myles, and Matthew Sharpe in association with the Michele Araujo solo exhibition, Comfort Zone. Please join us for this special event on Sunday, September 21st from 4-6 PM.
Lisa Cohen is the author of All We Know: Three Lives (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2012), a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle award. Her essays and poems have appeared in Vogue, Fashion Theory, Bookforum, GLQ, Ploughshares, Boog City, Barrow Street, Lit, The Paris Review Daily, Newsday, the Voice Literary Supplement, and other journals and anthologies. She teaches at Wesleyan University.
Robert Marshall is a novelist and visual artist living in New York City. His novel, A Separate Reality, was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award for Debut Fiction. His work has also appeared in Salon, Diverse Voices Quarterly, Crack the Spine, The Blue Lake Review, The Michigan Quarterly Review, Stickman Review, Blithe House Quarterly, The Coe Review, and numerous other publications.
Eileen Myles is the author of Snowflake/different streets. Since coming to New York in 1974, she has produced more that twenty collections of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, including Inferno (a poet's novel), for which she was a awarded a Lambda book award, and The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art, the writing of which was supported by a Warhol/Creative Capital grant. She was the 2010 recipient of the Shelley Prize, bestowed by the Poetry Society of America, as well as a 2012 Guggenheim fellowship.
Matthew Sharpe is an American novelist and writer of short stories and essays. His novels are You Were Wrong, Jamestown, The Sleeping Father, Nothing Is Terrible, and Stories from the Tube. He has taught writing and literature at Wesleyan University, Columbia University, New College of Florida, the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College, and, thanks to the Teachers & Writers Collaborative, various New York City public schools.
Comfort Zone is Michele Araujo's first solo exhibition with Studio10, presenting the viewer with several new paintings and a video piece entitled "Everything That's Going On With You."
Both the paintings and the video examine the space between knowing and not knowing. In this way, the exhibition establishes a connection between the lived life and the creative life (as embodied in the act of painting). At the same time, one cannot help but be aware of the contrast between the particularity of spoken words in the video and the resistance to the particular that is a defining characteristic of the paintings. The exchange between these two forms is part of the dynamic tension of this exhibition.
Michele Araujo lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
L Train to Morgan Avenue
Gallery Hours: Thursday through Sunday 1–6 PM or by appointment
Contact: (718) 852-4396