press release

Jason Koo, Simone Muench and David Hernandez

Jason Koo is the author of Man on Extremely Small Island (C&R Press, 2009), winner of the De Novo Poetry Prize and the Asian American Writers’ Workshop Members’ Choice Award for the best Asian American book of 2009. He earned his BA in English from Yale, his MFA in creative writing from the University of Houston and his PhD in English and creative writing from the University of Missouri-Columbia. The winner of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Vermont Studio Center, he has published his poetry and prose in numerous journals, including The Yale Review, North American Review and The Missouri Review. He teaches at Lehman College of the City University of New York, where he directs the graduate program in English. He lives in Brooklyn.


Simone Muench is the author of four collections of poetry: The Air Lost in Breathing (Helicon Nine, 2000), winner of the Marianne Moore Prize for Poetry; Lampblack & Ash (Sarabande, 2005), winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry; Orange Crush (Sarabande, 2010); and Disappearing Address, co-written with Philip Jenks (BlazeVOX, 2010). She received her PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago and directs the Writing Program at Lewis University, where she teaches creative writing and film studies. She serves on the advisory board of Switchback Books and is an editor for Sharkforum.


David Hernandez is the author of three collections of poetry: Hoodwinked (Sarabande Books, 2011), winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry; Always Danger (Southern Illinois University Press, 2006), winner of the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition; and A House Waiting for Music (Tupelo Press, 2003). The recipient of a 2011 NEA Literature Fellowship in poetry, his poems have appeared in Ploughshares, The Threepenny Review, The Missouri Review, TriQuarterly, The Southern Review and Poetry Daily. He is also the author of two YA novels, No More Us for You and Suckerpunch, both published by HarperCollins. David teaches at the University of California, Irvine as well as at California State University, Long Beach. He lives in Long Beach and is married to writer Lisa Glatt.








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