press release

Opening April 27, 7-9 P.M.                                                     

April 27, 2012 – May 27, 2012            


Studio 10 is pleased to present the second reading in The Bogart Reading Series, featuring poets Deborah Kuan, Marc McKee and Melissa Broder.                                                         

Debora Kuan is a poet, writer, and critic. Her debut collection of poetry, XING (Saturnalia Books), was published in October 2011. She is the recipient of a Fulbright creative writing fellowship (Taiwan), a University of Iowa Graduate Merit Fellowship, a Bread Loaf Writers' Conference scholarship, a Santa Fe Art Institute writer's residency, and two Pushcart Prize nominations. In 2010, she won The L Magazine's Literary Upstart short fiction award, and her reviews on contemporary art and film have appeared in Artforum, Art in America, Idiom, Modern Painters, Paper Monument and other publications.

Marc McKee received his MFA from the University of Houston and his PhD from the University of Missouri-Columbia. His work has appeared in journals such as Boston Review, Cimarron Review, Conduit, Crazyhorse, diagram, Forklift, Ohio, lit, and Pleiades. He is the author of What Apocalypse? (New Michigan Press, 2008), Fuse (Black Lawrence Press, 2011) and Bewilderness (forthcoming, Black Lawrence Press, 2014).

Melissa Broder is the author of two poetry collections, Meat Heart (forthcoming, Publishing Genius, March 2012) and When You Say One Thing but Mean Your Mother (Ampersand Books, 2010). Recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Guernica, Redivider, The Missouri Review, Court Green and Drunken Boat. She edits the online journal La Petite Zine and curates the Polestar poetry series at Cake Shop. By day she is a literary publicist at Penguin.


For more information and images, please contact Annelie McGavin at  (718) 213-2469.

Gallery hours: Thursday through Sunday 1 – 6 pm or by appointment

Contact:  (718) 852-4396