press release


Out Side showcases the work of three artists, Michele Araujo, Elana Herzog and Lisa Sigal. All three work abstractly, with an awareness of the theatrical potential of materials and a desire to dislodge the viewer from a sense of previously understood terrain. Formal abstraction becomes a means to step outside, to lead the viewer through and past boundaries to an intimation of meaning that cannot be fulfilled in the traditional sense.

For Herzog, there is a powerful sense of absence and incompleteness in her structures, a presence infiltrated by what is not there.  Like scenes from a comic opera, she creates playful, intimate, psychological spaces. Sigal’s structures utilize great economy, fostering a sense of the definitive while subtley relocating the viewer to a lesser known place. By using day-to-day materials she offers the viewer a sense of familiarity before insinuating bigger questions of where the frame and the viewer is are located. For Araujo there is a feeling of abandon and desperation in her surfaces. The ever-present collage material consistently interrupts the flow of paint, even as it wreaks havoc on the cohesiveness of the picture plane. The combined result of these dislocations and disruptions are emotionally saturated works delivered with subtlety and elegance.

For more information and images, please contact Annelie McGavin at  (718) 213-2469.

Gallery hours: Thursday through Sunday, 1 - 6 pm

Contact:  (718) 852-4396



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